eTwinning + ENO Tree Planting Day e per ENO ART BEE: invito


Gentili dirigenti e docenti,
in qualita’ di coordinatrice dell’ENO projetc per l’Italia vi invito a prendere parte all’ENO Tree Planting Day, un evento gratuito e aperto a scuole che si terra’ il 18 maggio 2018.

Nel caso siate interessati a partecipare mediante la piantumazione di uno o piu’ alberi nei giardini e cortili delle vostre istituzioni scolastiche, potrete procedere all’iscrizione compilando il form on line che trovate qui

Al termine dell’evento tutti i partecipanti riceveranno un attestato ENO e potranno condividere online foto e ricordi dell’evento nella pagine social:
oltre che presso questo indirizzo:

Qui un video promozionale dell’evento

Se lo riterrete opportuno, avrete anche la possibilita’ di aderire al concorso ENO ART BEE scegliendo tra queste fasce di eta’
– scuola materna 4-5 anni
– 6 – 10 anni
– 11 – 15 anni
– 16 – 18 anni

Qui le informazioni sull’iniziativa e qui il form on line per procedere alla registrazione
Ogni scuola partecipante sara’ menzionata in un opuscolo speciale.

Grazie per la collaborazione,

Grazie per la collaborazione, Linda 
Linda Giannini coordinatrice Eno per l’Italia



Istruzioni brevi ENO TREE PLANTING DAY

1.      Plant only local tree species, typical for your climate and dominant tree species in your region.
2.      Get tree seedlings from local providers and find sponsors for them.
3.      Choose suitable places for trees and dig the holes in advance. If you need some help contact local experts.
4.      Find students who will plant trees.
5.      Involve local people from your community to take part.
6.      Choose a student who will give a short speech
7.      Prepare to take photos and videos during the occasion.
8.      Invite other schools and local decision-makers to join this event, probably one of them could give a short speech in this occasion.
9.      Get local media involved

Time: at noon your local time (or later/before during the day)
1.      Go to your tree planting site and gather around the tree seedlings.
2.      A student/ city representative gives his/her speech.
3.      Students plant trees together with local old people.
4.      Optionally another speech by local decision-makers.
5.      ENO Tree Planting Song “Hi and ho – we plant trees”  or music/dance.
6.      Gather for a group photo, where students and audience are around the tree seedlings.

1. Leave your message in our guestbook on the web.
2. Please send a very short report including
a) your school or group name
b) your city
c) your country
d) the number of participants
e) include only one photo of your event (no more because we have 10 000 schools)
3. Send your message and photo (1) to the email address as follows:
4. Record a video clip, put it online (like Youtube) and send a link (not the video) to . We will then forward these links onto the event website. Photos will be available later in our online photo albums.

Certificates will be sent after you have sent your photo and message. As the number of participants is huge, it will take 2-4 weeks. They will be sent be ENO Country Coordinators. If you have waited them more than 4 weeks after contact, let us know.

5. Remember to take care of your trees!

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