Il nuovo anno scolastico 2017/2018 si apre con un lieto evento:
- la messa in terra delle piantine grasse che bambine/i hanno accudito a casa durante le vacanze estive
- ritorno in aula delle piantine grasse che bambine/i hanno accudito a casa durante le vacanze estive
- eventuale piccolo rinfresco e/o “merenda” condivisa
GIOCHI IN GIARDINO se le condizioni ambientali lo permetteranno (es. bel tempo, erba tagliata) in questo caso e’ consigliabile che bambine/i portino:
- un cappellino;
- una palettina
- un secchiello
- una bottiglietta piccola (con d’acqua del rubinetto che verra’ poi data alla propria piantina)
- e quanto ciascuna ins. riterra’ piu’ opportuno

PS: l’evento, a seguito della mail della collega De Matteis (15:21 del 17/09/2017) il nostro evento ENO potrebbe essere collegato a quello promosso da Legambiente “PULIAMO IL MONDO”

Dear all,
we are planning to make our tree planting day for peace 21 Sep the biggest ever. We aim that it would take place in every country of the world. In Finland we will plant spruces of the future at the same time to celebrate peace and 100 years of independence. Please share this to all the networks you have! This time we do not only call schools but also cities! So we hope ENO Green Cities will actively take part!
kind regards, Mika
Environment Online- ENO is a global virtual school and network for sustainable development. Since the launch in 2000, over 10 0000 schools in 157 countries have joined ENO and made concrete deeds for the environment like planted trees. Two annual tree planting days in ENO take place on UN Days. The first one 22 May for biodiversity and 21 September for peace. ENO made a strong commitment in Rio+20 Summit about planting 100 million trees by 2017. This was highlighted also in the summary of commitments by Rio Secretariat. So far, schools have planted over 24 million peace trees. With the commitments of governments the number has reached 100 million trees. The final number will be known in the early 2018.