Nomina dei coordinatori 2016/2017



Dear ENO Coordinators and ENO Team Members,
welcome on board. There are many new members so I will first describe how ENO works. Maybe this is also useful to everybody. ENO is a voluntary network. It is coordinated by the ENO Programme Association based in Finland. I am the executive manager in this association (also founder of ENO since 2000). In the association we have ENO Board ( I am secretary in their meetings). We have an annual meeting every year. Globally we have ENO Coordinators and ENO National Teams. They work together and share information about ENO in their countries. Currently our biggest project is 100 Million Trees by 2017. To boost this campaign we have ENO Treelympics ( and special ENO Tree Planting Days in May and September. We also have had Act Now Conferences every second year in Finland. The series of Act Now Conferences will finish 13-17 June 2017, with focus on 100 million trees campaign. Nationally we also organise a tree planting campaign for every Finn in 2017 and have a development aid project in Tanzania.
In the network, we also have other bodies. There is a national ENO Advisory Board (intl one under planning) and ENO Academic Board as well. ENO Green Cities Network was established in 2012 ( In 2015 we established ENO International Council (based on ENO coordinators). It is to advise in strategic activities of the ENO network and strenghten its activities in the regions.

Please find an organogram attached where you can see the entity. Hope this clarifies something 😉

warm regards, Mika
Mr Mika Vanhanen, CEO
Environment Online – ENO



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