Start of the European Robotics Week – Press Release

Dear event organisers of the European Robotics Week,,
Dear national coordinators
Dear all,

I am happy to let you know that a press release about todays’ start of the European Robotics Week went out to the press this morning  and has already been published by a few online journals. Click here to see the press release.

We are thrilled that 91 organisations are participating this year offering 199 events in 21 countries. More information and full listing of all events (sorted by country and date) at

Thank you all for your efforts and support, and now let’s rock this week!

Best regards, Kira
Kira Schilling
EUnited Robotics
European Robotics Association

Pinocchio 2.0 e la euRobotics Week 2012

In occasione della euRobotics Week 2012 bambine/i del nostro istituto presentano ai compagni i loro robot creativi. Alcuni di questi viaggeranno per raggiungere altre citta’ e, in particolare, la scuola in ospedale Gaslini di Genova e le scuole in ospedale Niguarda e San Carlo di Milano


Federica ha gia’ portato la busta dell’acquario di Genova e sulla cartina geografica presente in classe immaginiamo il viaggio dei tre pacchi