Teachers and students from all over Europe are invited to take part in U4energy, a new challenging pan European competition for primary and secondary schools who are encouraged to contribute innovative ideas to reduce energy consumption and raise awareness of responsible energy use.
Schools are competing under the following three award categories for national and European prizes, and to gain recognition at European level:
A:Energy efficiency measures at school
B:Best pedagogical actions to raise awareness on efficient energy use
C:Best awareness raising campaign on energy efficiency
With U4energy, winning schools are not the only ones to be awarded wonderful prizes. All participants can win by saving money and helping the environment!
Would you like to help your school and local community improve energy efficiency? Are you eager to learn more about saving energy?
Visit the U4energy website (www.u4energy.eu)
Register now to received further information
On www.u4energy.eu, you can learn about the different award categories, read up-to-date European news and discover smart energy tips to help you reduce energy.
The U4energy competition is a unique teaching opportunity for teachers and a fun resource for students. Launched in September 2010, the first edition will run until May 2011.
Register on the U4energy website and get ready to save energy!
About U4energy
U4energy (www.u4energy.eu) is co-financed by the European Commission’s Intelligent Energy Europe programme and organised by the European Agency for Competitiveness & Innovation. The competition is run and implemented by European Schoolnet.
About European Schoolnet
European Schoolnet (www.eun.org) is a unique not-for-profit consortium of 31 Ministries of Education in Europe established in 1997. EUN provides major European education portals for teaching, learning and collaboration by leading the way to bring about change in schooling through the use of new technology.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact the U4energy team (in English) or talk to your local teacher adviser in your native language.
We look forward to hearing all about your innovative ideas and contributions towards energy efficiency.
Good Luck!
U4energy team
Linda Giannini e Carlo Nati
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