“Cari colleghi, oggi abbiamo rilasciato un nuovo progetto ENOArt! Unitevi a noi il 4 dicembre 2020, alle 5 ora locale. Portiamo la luce sulla Terra! Darinka” https://www.enoprogramme.org/eno-art-light-for-the-earth/
Dear colleagues, we released a new ENOArt project today!Welcome to join us 4th December 2020, at 5 o’clock local time.Let’s bring light to the Earth! Darinka https://www.enoprogramme.org/eno-art-light-for-the-earth/

Darinka Orel : ENOArt project Light to the Future connected 188 schools from 31 countries and 4 continents. They joined the light chain and celebrated light and future.