The year 2000 was the beginning of many new and visionary things. It was also the year when the ENO program was born. Our goal was to raise environmental awareness and sensibility in the young generation and help them to grow into responsible citizens of the Earth. From the beginning, ENO has recognized the enormous importance of trees to the Earth and we have been planting them since 2004.
Humans cannot survive without trees. They are the biggest plants and the longest living species on Earth. Their role is so versatile that the list of their tasks would go on and on: they provide oxygen; store carbon dioxide; improve air quality; conserve water; preserve soil; support wildlife; provide shelter, medicine, fruits and wood; they trap dust and absorb pollutants from the air; reduce heat; control climate; filter the sun’s radiant energy; reduce wind speed; strengthen communities …
And besides all that – they are beautiful and majestic.
No wonder our new ENO Art upcycling contest will pay tribute to trees! We have prepared an upcycling contest for students and a photo contest for teachers.