President, minister or government representative
Your support for schools to tackle climate crisis
Let me briefly introduce myself. I am the founder and director of Environment Online – ENO. It is a voluntary network of schools and communities for sustainable development, currently in over 100 countries. Most of schools come from less developed countries. We also have schools in your country.
Climate change is the most serious problem in the globe. We need to struggle against is nationally and globally. Each act counts. Our global ENO network of schools plant trees around the world in over 100 countries. We made a commitment of planting 100 million trees by 2017 in Rio+20 Summit. We have not yet reached the goal but go on planting trees. Most of the schools come from less developed countries. When focusing on schools we raise the importance of education.
We all know that Paris Agreement was an important step between governments when it comes to climate change. ENO network announced an agreement in June 2019, Climate Agreement of Schools. This agreement the answer of students to Paris agreement. Our goal is to tie 3 million tons of CO2 by 2025. It means about 100 million trees to be planted. Schools are committed to plant trees at least 0.5 hectars every year. This agreement was signed on the World Environment Day, 5 June 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. The patron of the conference was the president of Finland, Mr Sauli Niinistö. The initiative of adopting trees came from the president of Slovenia, his excellency Mr Bohut Pahor.
We kindly ask if you or your government could spread this campaign and help schools with the practical arrangements in your country? Please find information about Climate Agreement of Schools below, and a draft paper (to be edited) for Your possible commitment. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Finland, 12 December 2019

Mika Vanhanen, founder
Environment Online – ENO mika.vanhanen@enoprorgamme.org www.enoprogramme.org