ENO Sri Lanka, in co-operation with Sri Lanka Twins Organisation is arranging ENO Sri Lanka Meeting 19-23 Jan 2020. CEO Mika Vanhanen will come to Sri Lanka 19 Jan. The programme starts with the amazing cultural gathering of twins in Colombo 20 Jan, aiming to get tens of thousands of twins to celebrate, a Guinness World Record Attempt. From 21 Jan to 23 Jan there will be ENO meetings and touring Sri Lanka. Some national coordinators will join. The government of Sri Lanka supports Climate Agreement of Schools 2019-2025 and an agreement will be signed. Meetings with the president, prime minister and first speaker of parliament. Finnish prime minister congratulates Sri Lanka with an official letter and the presisdent of Finland supports the event as well.
Poi mi mandi una descrizione? Oppure vedi se va bene quanto riporto qui:
Incontro Skype tra la coordinatrice nazionale ENO, dott.ssa Linda Giannini e l’ins. Olga Mosca del 4° Circolo di Scafati, scuola primaria in occasione dell’per l’Open Day della scuola. Durante la chat del 15 gennaio 2020 bambine e bambini hanno letto la lettera per la Terra, hanno mostrato la lanterna realizzata in relazione al micro percorso ENO “Light for the Earth” e le saponette che hanno prodotto in proprio riutilizzando materie organiche. C’è poi stato modo di conoscere le colleghe della maestra Olga Mosca e di confrontarsi per futuri percorsi ENO in sinergia con eTwinning
Let me briefly introduce myself. I am the founder and director of Environment Online – ENO. It is a voluntary network of schools and communities for sustainable development, currently in over 100 countries. Most of schools come from less developed countries. We also have schools in your country.
Climate change is the most serious problem in the globe. We need to struggle against is nationally and globally. Each act counts. Our global ENO network of schools plant trees around the world in over 100 countries. We made a commitment of planting 100 million trees by 2017 in Rio+20 Summit. We have not yet reached the goal but go on planting trees. Most of the schools come from less developed countries. When focusing on schools we raise the importance of education.
We all know that Paris Agreement was an important step between governments when it comes to climate change. ENO network announced an agreement in June 2019, Climate Agreement of Schools. This agreement the answer of students to Paris agreement. Our goal is to tie 3 million tons of CO2 by 2025. It means about 100 million trees to be planted. Schools are committed to plant trees at least 0.5 hectars every year. This agreement was signed on the World Environment Day, 5 June 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. The patron of the conference was the president of Finland, Mr Sauli Niinistö. The initiative of adopting trees came from the president of Slovenia, his excellency Mr Bohut Pahor.
We kindly ask if you or your government could spread this campaign and help schools with the practical arrangements in your country? Please find information about Climate Agreement of Schools below, and a draft paper (to be edited) for Your possible commitment. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Finland, 12 December 2019
Mika Vanhanen, founder Environment Online – ENO mika.vanhanen@enoprorgamme.org www.enoprogramme.org
Environment Online – ENO will celebrate
25th anniversary in 2025. Schools will launch a global C02 campaign to reduce
the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Pupils around the world
gathered 29 May – 5 June in Finland to agree the jointly organised climate
actions based on tree planting. To celebrate quarter century of the ENO
Programme, pupils from over 10 000 schools in 150 countries will agree the
goals of reducing carbon dioxide as follows:
With this movement, pupils raise up the
fact that the mankind with its action has reduced forest area and their
capacity to work as sink for carbon dioxide. Tree planting is needed to improve
the carbon balance between carbon in the trees and atmosphere.
Pupils raise the fact that tree planting
is a significant way to reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Planting
forests does not need complicated technology or big money. What we need is
earth, Sun, water and seed and a man who ensures the start of growth of trees.
When working together we can plant a huge number of trees.
There are
two ways to join the agreement
A) Tree Planting Schools (TPS)
School will plant trees each year at least
0,5 hectars (5 000m2) between the years 20192025. Trees will be planted in the
areas where forest hasn’t been cut in 10 years. This way a new forest (carbon
sink) will be ensured.
School will agree with private or public
land owners the suitable land areas for these climate actions. They will also
agree the delivery of the suitable reforestation material for free with
suppliers of seeds and seedlings. Names of partners will be published in the international media
School will agree with the partners about
adopting trees and can use this support also partly to improve their school
activities. Tree planting schools will also partner with Tree Adopting Schools
(see below).
Schools will report the annual growth of
trees to ENO Programme. ENO will publish annual summaries based of the data.
B) Tree Adopting Schools (TAS)
There are schools which are not able to plant, but want take part. Their
job would be to motivate the children, teachers, parents and the local community.
Students earn “trees” with their work. The payment for their work or help would be “a tree”. (1 € = 1 tree) For instance helping the elderly, go shopping for them, clean the cars, collect paper, clean the garage, work in the garden
At school, students together earn these “trees” every year enough for 0,5 hectars (average 800 trees)
Tree adopting schools will find a partner from tree planting schools – or vice versa with the help of ENO. Schools connect directly. The adopting school sends money to the planting school and informs ENO at the same time. The planting school plants the trees and sends photos to the adopting school and ENO. This feedback is very important – not just for the kids but also for the adults. The overall goal is to transfer 3 million tons carbon dioxide from atmosphere by 2025 when ENO Programme celebrates 25th anniversary or latest by 2026, when Paris agreement will have 10th anniversary
to make our system more easy to handle, from this year
we count only the schools who have been registered with Envirate. We cannot
handle separate files.
So please tell all the schools in your country that they register their
school in Envirate. Check here:
Hi Linda Isabella Lidia, I’m excited to welcome you to Environment Online – ENO community! My name is Mika Vanhanen and I’ll be your host. As a part of this group you can share your ideas, inspiration, tips and tap in to our community’s resources. We’ll keep you updated on upcoming community events, activities, and programs. Before you get started here are some great tips to stay in the loop: Download the app to join group conversations on the go, never miss out on important news and discussions. Add our group email address to your inbox contact list: environment-online-eno@groups.mobilize.io (Using Gmail or Inbox? Make sure to move group emails to your primary tab). Bookmark the group URL to your browser to get a quick online access: http://environment-online-eno.mobilize.io/groups/37831 Great to have you on board! Mika Vanhanen Visit Group