siamo certi siate a conoscenza del progetto Climate Aid in cui i finlandesi doneranno denaro per far piantare alberi dalle scuole in Namibia e Botswana.
La settimana per gli aiuti climatici culminerà in un grande concerto alla Helsinki Music Hall, il 23 novembre 2019. Ci saranno 1700 persone tra il pubblico e 200 musicisti volontari, tutti impegnati a diffondere attraverso la musica il messaggio di speranza e le azione per la crisi climatica.
ENO Sri Lanka pianterà 200 alberi per l’aiuto climatico “Finlandia 23 novembre”, un albero per ogni volontario. Tutto questo diverrà un grande evento concreto in grado di collegare Europa-Africa e Asia.
Sarebbe bello coinvolgere altri Paesi per mostrare quanto sia possibile fare in aiuto al clima mediante il progetto ENO.
Speriamo quindi vogliate aderire anche voi piantando un albero per gli aiuti climatici “Finlandia del 23 novembre” aggiungendo un cartello con la seguente scritta: Aiuti climatici Finlandia e mostrando il nome del vostro Paese.

Una o più foto potrete inviarla al seguente indirizzo
Cordiali saluti, Mika Vanhanen e Linda Giannini.

Dear all,
you are awared of Climate Aid project where Finns will donate money to get trees planted by schools in Namibia and Botswana. Climate Aid week will be culminated on a big concert in Helsinki Music Hall, 23 November 2019. There will be 1 700 people in the audience and 200 volunteer musicians. They are spreading the message of hope and action for climate crisis through music. ENO Sri Lanka will plant 200 trees for Climate Aid Finland 23 Nov. A tree for each volunteer. This is a great support linking Europe- Africa and Asia. Would it be possible for you to plant one tree for Climate Aid Finland 23 Nov? It would be great to have other countries involved and show the power of ENO to Climate Aid movement. If you can plant a tree (with a sign Climate Aid Finland and showing name of your country), please let me know!
Kind regards,
Mika Vanhanen, manager
ENO Schoolnet Association
Kauppakatu 25C (3rd floor )
80100 Joensuu
tel +358 40 5070725

MORE INFO: Climate Aid brings art and climate work together in November
Climate Aid is a climate movement that activates people through experiences and helps grow carbon storages. The Climate Aid week takes place in 18. – 24.11.2019 and includes science, arts, hope and action. The week is supported by Sitra.
In addition to experiences, Climate Aid offers an opportunity to help in a concrete way. Climate Aid collects small and large donations, which will be used to grow carbon storages – swamps and forests – both in Finland and elsewhere in the world.
The campaign will culminate to the Climate Aid Finland concert, which is held at the end of the week on 23.11. The concert, which takes place in Musiikkitalo, is a multi-disciplinary art experience about climate change. It is free to the public. The performers include 150 volunteer orchestra musicians and choir members. Their works convey messages from different centuries.
The home of the Climate Aid movement is Citizen Forum and the movement has been made possible by numerous people and organizations. The movement is supported by Sitra (main sponsor), EK, SAK, STTK, Akava, S-ryhmä, Fortum, Helen, Neste, Tieto, Varma, Positive Impact and Ellun Kanat. More information about the week and the donations can be found at

Settimana degli aiuti climatici 18-24/11/2019, l’evento principale è un’esperienza multidisciplinare di cambiamento climatico. Una grande squadra di 150 musicisti e cori di orchestra volontaria incontra musicisti professionisti e i loro studenti, hobbisti esperti, adulti, giovani e bambini. La musica è il potere della collaborazione e della comunità: possiamo fare insieme un’azione più ampia sul clima.