La Nepenmäki school ha avuto in data 31 ottobre 2019 un international workshops attraverso Skype al quale hanno preso parte anche studentesse e studenti dell’Istituto Tecnico Statale “Vittorio Veneto – Salvemini” (rif. prof.ssa Francesca Neiviller)
Questo quanto proposto come invito dall’insegnante ENO Kaija.Saramaki e da Mika Vanhanen:
“It would be mostly General chatting about school and school life and environmental issues. Students would prepare 3 questions to students here. Kaija Will lead sessions on Tuesday and we both Will be on Wednesday and me on Thursday. Students Will be 10-14 yrs old”

This is the presentation our students did for the Skype session we had on the 31 October, Best regards, Francesca Neiviller