Carissime/i, qui i video racconti del World Summit of Students for Climate.
Linda Giannini, ENO national coordinator per l’Italia
ENO Schoolnet – World Summit of Students for Climate took place in Finland 29 May – 5 June. Please find the summary video of the summit and the results.

#wssclimate the main venue for the summit here! (rif. Environment Online – ENO)
The first #WSSClimate delegates will arrive at Joensuu in the midnight, from #Ecuador , their godparent is #fazer
29/05/2019: l’arrivo in Finlandia (rif. Environment Online – ENO)
30/05/2019: il secondo giorno (LUOVI, LIPERI., FINLAND) : WSSC 2019 (World Summit of Students for Climate): DAY 2 ( LUOVI, LIPERI., FINLAND)
30/05/2019: il saluto di Alessandro e Emi dalla Finlandia
30/05/2019: Alessandro consegna a Mika la bandiera Italiana e Pinocchio da parte della Coordinatrice Nazionale ENO per l’Italia
31/05/2019: il terzo giorno a Joensuu: WSSC 2019 (World Summit of Students for Climate): DAY 3 in Joensuu.
WSSC 2019 : Day 3#WSSCLIMATE Day 3 in Joensuu.
Pubblicato da Environment Online – ENO su Venerdì 31 maggio 2019
01/06/2019: il quarto giorno: #WSSCLIMATE DAY 4: Tree planting in Joensuu, free time activities, cultural evening
Koululaisten ilmastokokous toi satoja nuoria Suomeen.
Schoolchildren’s climate conference brought hundreds of young people to Finland

01/06/2019: la delegazione italiana e la piantumazione in Finlandia
02/06/2019: il quinto giorno – DAY 5: KOLI
03/06/2019: il sesto giorno WSSC DAY 6: To Helsinki, attending opening ceremonies of World Circular Economy Forum in Finlandia Hall.
03/06/2019: apertura del Forum Mondiale dell’economia circolare a Helsinki.
04/06/2019: #WSSCLIMATE DAY 7: World Circular Economy Forum. workshops
05/06/2019: l’ultimo giorno del WSSC 2019 – #WSSCLIMATE DAY 8: Closing ceremonies, announcement of Climate Action Plan by students and Climate Agreement of Schools 2019-2025,
World Summit of Students for Climate: CLiMATE ACTION PLAN 2019-2025